Ways our body uses oxygen

Most people know that Oxygen is essential for human life, but what many don't know is the multitude of benefits Oxygen provides. From keeping you alert and focused to fighting off infection, Oxygen is a powerhouse nutrient that your body needs for optimal performance. In this blog post, we'll take a closer look at the benefits of Oxygen and how you can make sure you're getting enough of it.

Provides Energy for all Cells

Think about the last time you felt really exhausted. Maybe you had pulled an all-nighter, or worked
a double shift. In cases like that, your body is running on empty – and the reason is because you're not getting enough oxygen. That's right: oxygen is essential for giving our cells the energy they need to function properly. To get the energy we need from our food, digestion occurs of the carbohydrates / fats /proteins in our food to produce simple sugars. These sugars (mainly
glucose) react with oxygen on a molecular level to produce the much needed energy. Hence without oxygen, all the cells in our bodies wouldn’t be able to

So next time you're feeling tired, take a deep breath or Drink Oxygen. Remember that oxygen is one of the best cures for fatigue!

Pumps the heart

Oxygen is essential for life. The heart is essential for life. What happens when we put these two
together? We get an interesting result that most people don't think about. The heart is the hardest working muscle in our bodies and so it needs of energy and in turn, oxygen to function. Scientists have shown that in the presence of increased oxygen, the resting heart rate is lowered[1] which means that in a
healthy individual, the heart can contract harder and pump more blood around the body[2].  Your heart is so sensitive to the levels of oxygen that a heart attack would happen when insufficient oxygen is supplied.

This is why it’s so important to make sure that we’re providing our hearts with enough oxygen.  The next time you are feeling short of breath, remember that you might be one heart attack away from a serious health
complication. Your heart is an amazing organ and we want to help keep it healthy and functioning for as long as possible.

S. Effects of oxygen breathing on the heart rate, blood pressure, and cardiac
index of normal men--resting, with reactive hyperemia, and after atropine. J
Clin Invest. 1962 Jan;41(1):126-32. doi: 10.1172/JCI104454. PMID: 13883265;
PMCID: PMC289201.
